Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The advantages and disadvantages of science and technology

Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. Science can answer the needs, the problem and the curiosity of many people. Technology can be defined as applied science. It has a big role in our daily life and also it is very useful. Technology is saving our time.

Science and technology have the advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of it is that it has made our lives easier, enjoyable and productive. Because technology has the ability to create shortcuts in working and can make tasks easier. For example cars, calculators, computers, phones, etc. Cellphones are made our lives easy, for us to communicate to other people that are too far for us to talk to. Computers and internet provides information in simplest way it can do any work in lesser time and also it helps to enhance quality and provide suggestions. Cars, bikes, tricycles, airplanes and trains are helping us to reach anywhere quickly.

But on the other hand there are also disadvantage of progress in science and technology like the disadvantages is the effects of the nuclear technology. And if when technology goes in the wrong hands then it can negatively impact the society such as the increasing rate of crime, like hacking, stealing of personal information and pornography websites. It can easily manipulated by irresponsible persons. We will be complacent and lazy.

In health, there have been lots of advantages with technology when it comes to health. Our lives will never be the same again after the breakthroughs of many medicines and other discoveries. Lengthening our lives is very easy these days. It has also disadvantages there are machines the can destroy our environment that can affect our health. One of the examples is weapon that can cause chaos.

The production has also been increased. Now, we can create materials in just a few minutes with multiple productions at a time. This is what the modern machines contribute to our society. But on the other hand the disadvantage of this is the energy that it uses. It consumes a lot of energy to run the machines. It will then leave a lot of waste and pollution to our environment and there have been a lot of people who lost their jobs because man power has been replaced by machines.

There are so many improvements we are having now, but still we need to comply with what they cost in return. Even there are as many advantages and disadvantages of technology. I wish a more advanced world with great technologies. It would be so cool to work out all the complicated machines. In the future it would be more about using your brain and being intelligent then doing the hard labor with every advantages that technology  gives, it brings along with its disadvantages we have come to depend on it more as we advance in the field.